Friday, October 26, 2018

Score list for MAHA DMA Mains Exam 2018 Declared; Check Your Probable Rank Here

(Mains Exam Scores for the Exam conducted in “September-2018”)
Candidate Score is as per Registration ID wise

UPDATE : DFSL has released Provisional Merit list of Shortlisted Candidates for Document Verification For Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory Department Examination 2018. To check your Result click here 

We have sorted the score-lists for you. You can check your probable rank in this sorted list. To check your approximate rank click on the link given below.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender etc. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

1. For Maharashtra Municipal Taxation and Administrative Officer(Class C) Grade A/B &C (Excluding post for Municipal Employees), check following pdf click here.

2. For Maharashtra Municipal Computer Engineer(Class C) Grade A/B &C (Excluding post for Municipal Employees), check following pdf or click here.

3. For Maharashtra Municipal Electrical Engineer(Class C) Grade A/B &C (Excluding post for Municipal Employees) probable ranking, check following PDF or click here.

4. For Maharashtra Municipal Water Supply Sewerage and Sanitation Engineering (General) Main Examination probable ranking, check following PDF or click here.

5. For Maharashtra Municipal Civil Engineering(General) probable ranking, check following PDF or click here.

6. For Maharashtra Municipal Audit and Accounts Services (General) probable ranking, check following PDF or click here.

Please do comment, check our other posts and share, subscribe and follow us to know latest and authenticate updates as we do not spam the Internet.

To check your score of other exams click here
To check Forensic Exam Result, click here.

To know cut off marks of DMA, and other exams conducted by Mahapariksha Portal, click here.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

DFSL Scientific Officer (Cyber Crime) Group B 2018 Vacancies | MPSC | Govt Jobs

महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत (MPSC) न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, मुंबई , गृह विभाग, महाराष्ट्र राज्य (DFSL) या विभागात सरळसेवेने वैज्ञानिक अधिकारी (सायबर गुन्हे, ध्वनी व ध्वनिफीत विश्लेषण), सामान्य राज्य सेवा, गट ब (राजपत्रित)  या संवर्गाची रिक्त पदे भरण्यात येत आहेत.

त्याकरिता MPSC तर्फे परीक्षा घेण्यात येणार असून भरती साठी ऑनलाईन  पद्धतीने अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे.

To Check Provisional Merit List DFSL Recruitment (Exam conducted in April-May 2018) by Mahapariksha Portal, Click here
उपलब्ध पदसंख्या : 43

Maharashtra Public Service Commission, that is, MPSC, will be conducting examination for the post of Scientific officer (Cyber Crime, Tape Authentication) in the Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai (DFSL). As a relief to the Civil Service Aspirants and government job aspirants, MPSC is conducting the exam for DFSL instead of Mahapariksha Portal.

Candidates can apply online for above Goverment Job in Maharashtra State, India at

You can read more about post at

Number of Vacancies : 43
BE, BTech degree holders can also apply for above state govt job.

शैक्षणिक अहर्ता (Educational Qualification): 
Degree and Post Graduate Degree in Science faculty with Physics OR Computer Science OR Electronics OR Information and Technology at least in second class
Engineering Degree in Computer Science OR  Electronics OR Information and Technology at least in second class
any other qualification declared by the Government to be equivalent thereto.

आवश्यक अनुभव (Required Experience) :
Experience in the relevant subject for a period of not less than three years in any recognized laboratory or recognised Clinical Institute after acquiring the qualification.

अर्ज करण्याचा कालावधी : दिनांक १५ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८ ते दिनांक ५ नोव्हेंबर, २०१८
Date for Online application :
Start Date :15 October 2018, Last Date for Online Application : 5 November 2018

To Apply for the post of Scientific Officer of DFSL Recruitment October 2018 by MPSC, Click here

For more information and official notification by Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC), click here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Forensic Science Laboratory (DFSL) Exam Result Out; Check You Result Here

Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory Department Examination Result-2018

Mahapariksha has declared the Provisional Merit List for Document Verification  For Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory Department Examination 2018. The final list of Selected Candidates will be published after the verification of Documents. The cut off for various post will also be updated after publishing the final selection list of DFSL.

To Check our blog on Mahatma Gandhi : The Father of Nation Click here

To Check the latest Advertisement of DFSL Recruitment October 2018 by MPSC, Click here

  1. For Scientific Assistant (Cyber Crime, Tape Auth. and Speaker Identification) Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील वैज्ञानिक सहायक (संगणक गुन्हे, ध्वनी व ध्वनीफित विश्लेषण) पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  2. For Scientific Assistant Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील वैज्ञानिक सहायक पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  3. For Senior Laboratory Assistant Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील वरिष्ठ प्रयोगशाळा सहायक पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  4. For Senior Clerk Stores Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील वरिष्ठ लिपिक (भांडार) पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  5. For Junior Laboratory Assistant Result( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील कनिष्ठ प्रयोगशाळा सहायक पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  6. For Clerk Typist Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील लिपिक टंकलेखक पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  7. For Telephone Operator Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील दूरध्वनीचालक पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  8. For Laboratory Attendant Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील प्रयोगशाळा परिचर पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.
  9. For Peon Result ( न्यायसहायक वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाळा संचालनालय, महाराष्ट्र राज्य यांच्या आस्थापनेवरील चपराशी पदाच्या मूळ कागदपत्रांच्या तपासणीसाठी तात्पुरती गुणवत्तायादी), click here.

Career in Digital Forensic:

There are lots of opportunities in Digital Forensic. As in any field, experience holders are always in demand in this field of Computer Science. As these are are vacancies in a Government owned Forensic Science Lab, there will be many posts which are filled on the deputation basis. For example, there was an advertisement for vacancies in Sardar Vallabai Patel National Police Academy, Hydrabad for the posts of System Analyst and Assistant Analyst which requires 5 years experience in Digital Forensic. Also, in private sector, there are and there will be many openings for in the field of Digital Forensic, Cyber Crime, Cyber Laws, Tape Authentication, etc.

So, it is better to join in DFSL if you get selected. Best luck for your future.

To check your score of other exams click here
To check Revised Answer key for Forensic Examination 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal, click here.

To know cut off marks of DMA, and other exams conducted by Mahapariksha Portal, click here.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Town Planning and Valuation Department, Planning Assistant Exam-2018 Result Out; Check Your Result Here | Maha Pariksha

Town Planning and Valuation Department, Planning Assistant Exam-2018 Result

Department of Town Planning, Maharashtra State has declared the list of Selected Candidates For Town Planning and Valuation Department, Planning Assistant Exam-2018. The cut off for various post is given in the pdfs listed below.

UPDATE : DFSL has released Provisional Merit list of Shortlisted Candidates for Document Verification For Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory Department Examination 2018. To check your Result click here 

To check your result and cut off for Maha Pariksha Town Planning and Valuation Department, Planning Assistant Exam-2018 result, please click on appropriate links given below. You can also check your result on the official website of Mahapariksha

For Planning Assistant Exam 2018 Result, click here.

To check your DMA Result, click here.
To check your score of other exams click here
To check UPSC Prelim 2018 Result, click here.
To check SBI PO Preliminary Exam 2018 Result, click here.
To check Revised Answer key for Forensic Examination 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal, click here.

To know cut off marks of DMA, and other exams conducted by Mahapariksha Portal, click here.

Score List for State Intelligence Department Examination- 2018 Declared; Check Your Possible Rank Here | Maha Pariksha Portal

Result list in the order of candidate Registration ID

Mahapariksha website down? No worries. You are at the right place. Here, at Exam Panacea, you can check your Result. We have sorted list according to marks.

We have sorted the score-lists for you. You can check your probable rank in this sorted list. To check your approximate rank click on the link given below.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

You can check your marks and possible rank for State Intelligence Department Examination- 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal (ई - महापरीक्षा पोर्टल) in following excel file:

To download State Intelligence Department Examination- 2018 Scorelist Result and possible Rank PDF file, please click here.

To check Revised Answer key for State Intelligence Department Examination- 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal, click here.

To check your result on official website of Maha Pariksha Portal, please click here.

UPDATE : DFSL has released Provisional Merit list of Shortlisted Candidates for Document Verification For Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory Department Examination 2018. To check your Result click here 

To check your score of other exams click here
To check Forensic Exam Result, click here.
To check Revised Answer key for Forensic Examination 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal, click here.

The Mahapariksha cut off list for State Intelligence Department Examination- 2018 may be uploaded soon on (Maha Pariksha Portal) by Maha Pariksha.

To know cut off marks of DMA, Forensic, Town Planning and other exams conducted by Mahapariksha Portal, click here.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

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