Staff Selection Commission conducts the Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC CGL Exam) in four tiers. These are as given below:
The “Data Entry Speed Test” Skill Test will be conducted for a passage of about 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes. This test will be of qualifying nature. Computers for the test will be provided by the Commission at the Centre/ venue notified for the purpose. The Skill Test will be held at the Commission’s Regional/ Sub-Regional Offices or at other Centres as may be decided by the commission. Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be sent by the Regional/ Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to eligible candidates declared qualified for appearing in Skill Test. Information about evaluation of Typing Test/ DEST are available on the Commission’s website (Candidate’s Corner).
The Skill test will be conducted in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose.
Note-I: OH candidates opting for the post of Tax Assistant in CBDT are exempted for appearing in Skill Test. OH candidates opting for post of Tax Assistant in CBEC are not exempted from Skill Test. HH and VH candidates are not eligible for exemption from the Skill Test.
Note-II: VH candidates will be allowed additional compensatory time of 5 (five) minutes in DEST. Only those VH candidates who opt for scribes in the written examination will be provided passage reader at the time of Skill Test.
Tier - III
: Pen and Paper Mode (Descriptive paper)
Tier - IV
: Computer Proficiency Test/ Skill Test (wherever applicable)/ Document Verification
Marks scored by candidates in Tier-I and Tier-II examinations, if conducted in multiple shifts, will be normalized and such normalized scores will be treated as final and will be used for qualifying the candidates to next stage of examination and to determine final merit
SSC CGL Tier III Syllabus :
Mode of Examination | : | Pen and Paper mode |
Scheme of Examination | : | Descriptive Paper in English or Hindi (Writing of Essay/ Precis/ Letter/ Application etc.) |
Maximum Marks | : | 100 |
Time Allowed | : | 60 Minutes For VH/ OH (afflicted with Cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing hand- Pl. See para5.10 of Notice): 80 Minutes |
Computer Proficiency Test/ Skill Test (wherever applicable)/ Document Verification will also be conducted as per the provisions of the notice of examination.
Skill Test:
Date Entry Skill Test (DEST): For the post of Tax Assistants (Central Excise & Income Tax): Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) at 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depression per hour on Computer:The “Data Entry Speed Test” Skill Test will be conducted for a passage of about 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes. This test will be of qualifying nature. Computers for the test will be provided by the Commission at the Centre/ venue notified for the purpose. The Skill Test will be held at the Commission’s Regional/ Sub-Regional Offices or at other Centres as may be decided by the commission. Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be sent by the Regional/ Sub Regional Offices of the Commission to eligible candidates declared qualified for appearing in Skill Test. Information about evaluation of Typing Test/ DEST are available on the Commission’s website (Candidate’s Corner).
The Skill test will be conducted in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose.
Note-I: OH candidates opting for the post of Tax Assistant in CBDT are exempted for appearing in Skill Test. OH candidates opting for post of Tax Assistant in CBEC are not exempted from Skill Test. HH and VH candidates are not eligible for exemption from the Skill Test.
Note-II: VH candidates will be allowed additional compensatory time of 5 (five) minutes in DEST. Only those VH candidates who opt for scribes in the written examination will be provided passage reader at the time of Skill Test.
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