Friday, September 28, 2018

150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Commences on 2nd October 2018 | Exam Panacea

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also knows as Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar. He is known for his philosophy of Satyagraha (Truth and Ahimsa /non-violence). This philosophy, also known as Gandhian way of life, has changed the track of of Indian Freedom Movement. M K Gandhi taught formula the Freedom with Discipline and humility. He once wrote in Young India, "Freedom that comes from discipline and humility cannot be denied, unbridled license is a sign of vulgarity injurious alike to self and one's neighbour."

Human kind has to get out of violence only through nonviolence. Hatred can be overcome only increases the surface as well as the depth of hatred.

M K Gandhi, known to India as the Father of Nation, had transformed the Indian National Movement from "mass-less" movement to a "mass-based" movement. He discovered the non-violent way, called Satyagraha, to resist the oppression. He didn't supported the idea that means can be justified if ends are right/good. He related means with the ends as continuity. He believed if mean is wrong or immoral then how can one justify its end. He believed if end is to attain Satyagraha then mean should be non-violence, that is Ahimsa. He said that he was against the evil but not against the evildoer. Instead of forcing someone or even evildoer to do something we desire, he laid the path of changing and winning the heart by love, also known as Hriday Parivartan. Gandhi preferred love over hatred. He rejected the idea of not only physical violence but also mental violence, that is, not to even think about the violence or harming someone physically, mentally or by any other way.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
M. K. Gandhi first used the concept of Satyagraha in Africa to solve the problems faced by Indian workers working there. After returning to India, he led several successful movements and analyzed the use and power of Satyagraha in Indian context before actively entering into the Indian National Movement. Few such movements include Kheda Satyagraha, Champaranya Satyagraha. The agitation against the Rowlatte Act of 1918 was the first all-India campaign that he was the part of.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
Mohandas K Gandhi was termed as mass psychologist by many political thinkers. He knew the mass psychology very well. He preferred mass movement over individual agitation and also with Ahimsa as it would be difficult for British Government to suppress non-violent mass movement than the individual revolutionists. Mahatma Gandhi had faith in the Indians as a whole and he was well aware of the power as well as the limitations of the mass movement. He knew when to start and when to stop the mass movement. He followed the policy of "Struggle and Truce" as he was well aware that masses couldn't resist for longer time. They need refreshment, direction. So he preferred to truce over continued struggle. His "Struggle and Truce" policy was criticized by many Political leaders of the time including Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and also is being criticized even today. But Gandhi was always on his path, learning from mistakes, changing and improving the ability of the masses, he successfully led the Mass Movement to the freedom of India. He was the leader who wanted true freedom- freedom from British, freedom from slavery, freedom from poverty, freedom from greed. He believed in religion. For him, the Truth was the religion. He was the man who first act and then speak about it.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
Gandhi, apart from Indian Freedom Movement, has been inspiration to many Indians in their field of interests. Many politicians all over the world took inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi. These include Nelson Mandela, Barak Obama. The Great scientist of the Twentieth Century, Albert Einstein, once said, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Gandhi didn't separated his work from his sayings. Gandhi, like any human being, did many mistakes. But he accepted those mistake with the great heart and learn from those mistakes. He believed that truth can be sought from different ways, viewpoints or angles. He didn't claim that what he said was the only truth. He believed in changing or we can say that updating and modifying his philosophy as he comes to the next level of truth.

M K Gandhi wrote a book called My Experiments With Truth. In this book he wrote how he developed his personality. In this book, he has accepted many of his mistakes and also told what he learned from those mistakes. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,(Bapu), was the man far ahead of his time. His other books are :

Many authors have written on Gandhi, Gandhian way of Life, Gandhian Economy, Gandhian Philosophy. Few are:

Ramchandra Guha has written books on M K Gandhi and his influence on India. His books are :

Bipan Chandra in his book History of Modern India had devoted chapters to the Mahatma. He has explained how Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi influenced Indian Freedom Movement. Bipan Chandra had explained how Gandhi guided the freedom movement of India.

Louis Fischer has written books on Gandhi. The book are :
  • The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (Buy Here)
  • Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World (Buy Here)

Former President of India Dr. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan has written Mahatma Gandhi - Essays & Reflections

There is much more to write about Mahatma Gandhi but it is more better to learn, adopt and follow his teaching in the journey of life.

This blog was authored by the Admin at Exam Panacea.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

How to download any NCERT Book for free; Check Here | Exam Panacea

NCERTs are the basic books for CBSC boards. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) draws framework and set standards for curriculum of State Boards in India so that a world class standard of education can be followed by the states in India in education sector.

NCERT books are the basic requisite for the preparation of Civil Service Exams like UPSC, State Public Service Commission Exams like MPSC, UPPSC, MPPSC, KPSC, TNPSC; Staff Selection Commission (SSC), as many questions asked in these exams were directly came from NCERT books. So don't try to skip any NCERT!

In this video we are going to learn "How to download any NCERT Book for free".

This is the best way to download any NCERT book for absolutely FREE!

Step 1: Open Your Web browser.

Step 2: Enter the website address of NCERT, that is, in your web browser. After this NCERT's official website will open.

Step 3: Now, in Main Menu at the top, search for "Publication" menu and hover on that menu.
Now go to Publication - PDF(I-XII) and click on PDF(I-XII)
This will open a new window. Go to that new window

Step 4: In new window,
 Step 4A: Select Class from main menu. You can select any class from I to XII

 Step 4B: Select Subject. This list shows subjects of selected class.

 Step 4C: Select Book Title (Generally it is medium/langauge of the book. For example English, Hindi, Urdu)
 Step 4D: Now, click on "Go" button
  This will load image and links of various chapters in that book.

 Step 4E: To download perticular chapter, click on "open" link given in that chapter link as shown in video.
  This will open that chapter in same window.

 Step 4F: To download complete book, click on the last link in the list given on left side (Click on "Download Complete Book").

 This will download the complete book in Zip file. You can see pdfs of all chapters in that zip file after extracting it.

You can download :
Class 1 NCERT Books
Class 2 NCERT Books
Class 3 NCERT Books
Class 4 NCERT Books
Class 5 NCERT Books
Class 6 NCERT Books
Class 7 NCERT Books
Class 8 NCERT Books
Class 9 NCERT Books
Class 10 NCERT Books
Class 11 NCERT Books
Class 12 NCERT Books

All NCERT books are in pdf format and free to download from which is NCERT's official website.
Thank You for watching this video.

How to download any NCERT Book for free?

Step 1: Open Your Web browser.

Step 2: Enter the website address of NCERT, that is, in your web browser.
    After this NCERT's official website will open.

Step 3: Now, in Main Menu at the top, search for "Publication" menu and hover on that menu.

    Now go to Publication => PDF(I-XII) and click on PDF(I-XII)

    This will open a new window. Go to that new window

Step 4: In new window,
     Step 4A: Select Class from main menu. You can select any class from I to XII

     Step 4B: Select Subject. This list shows subjects of selected class.

     Step 4C: Select Book Title (Generally it is medium/language of the book. For example English, Hindi, Urdu)

     Step 4D: Now, click on "Go" button. This will load image and links of various chapters in that book.

Step 4E: To download particular chapter, click on "open" link given in that chapter link. This will open that chapter in same window.

Step 4F: To download complete book, click on the last link in the list given on left side (Click on "Download Complete Book"). This will download the complete book in Zip file. You can see pdfs of all chapters in that zip file after extracting it.

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