Showing posts with label junior engineer (civil). Show all posts
Showing posts with label junior engineer (civil). Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Junior Engineer vacancies in PWD, Maharashtra State

कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य) गट-ब अराजपत्रीत राज्यस्तरीय पदभरती जाहिरात २०१९
महाराष्ट्र शासनाने अधीक्षक अभियंता सा. बां. मंडळ मुंबई यांना नोडल अधिकारी म्हणून प्राधिकृत केलेल्या प्राधिकारानुसार कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य) गट-ब अराजपत्रीत या संवर्गाची रिक्त पदे प्रकल्प व्यवस्थापक, महापरीक्षा पोर्टलमार्फत स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षेने भरण्यात येणार आहेत.
पदनाम : कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य) गट-ब (अराजपत्रीत)
वेतनश्रेणी : रु. ९३००-३४८०० (ग्रेड वेतन रु. ४३००/-)
उपलब्ध पदसंख्या (एकूण पदे ): ४०५
शैक्षणिक व तांत्रिक अर्हता :
शासनाने मान्यता दिलेली तीन वर्षे कालावधीची स्थापत्य अभियांत्रिकी मधील पदविका (Diploma in Civil Engineering) किंवा तिच्याशी समतुल्य म्हणून मान्यता मिळालेली अशी इतर कोणतीही धारण केलेली अर्हता
(शासन सा. बां. विभाग राजपत्र कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य) सेवाप्रवेश नियम दिनांक १ जानेवारी १९९८)
वयोमर्यादा  :
खुला/सर्वसाधारण प्रवर्ग : १८ ते ३८ वर्षे
मागासवर्गीय : १८ ते ४३ वर्षे
अपंग : १८ ते ४५ वर्षे
खेळाडू : ५ वर्षे सवलत (खुला प्रवर्ग ३८+५, मागासवर्ग ४३)
सामाजिक आरक्षण व टक्केवारी, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक, परीक्षेचे स्वरूप याची माहिती वरील व्हिडिओमध्ये दिलेली आहे.
अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेल्या लिंकवर क्लिक करा
महापरिक्षा पोर्टल:

Maharastra State Government has started filling vacancies in various department. The Public Work Department (PWD), Maharashtra has invited online applications to recruit its new staff. The current post is of Junior Engineer (Civil). The candidates having completed Diploma in Civil Engineering or related disciplines may apply for this post of Junior Engineer Civil in PWD Department, State of Maharashtra.
The candidates can only apply through an online portal called Mahapariksha Portal. The exam will be of online nature and will objective, a multiple choice question paper.
The salary is good and since the Maharashtra Government has declered to apply Seventh Pay commission on Jan 1, 2019, the salary will be satisfactory.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Score List for Public Works Department Examination-2018 Declared; Check Your Possible Rank Here | Junior Engineer (Civil) | Maha Pariksha

Result list in the order of candidate Registration ID

Mahapariksha website down? No worries. You are at the right place. Here, at Exam Panacea, you can check your Result. We have sorted list according to marks.

We have sorted the score-lists for you. You can check your probable rank in this sorted list. To check your approximate rank click on the link given below.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

You can check your marks and possible rank in following excel file:

To download Public Works Department Examination-2018 Junior Engineer (Civil) Result and possible Rank excel file, please click here.

To check your result on official website of Maha Pariksha Portal, please click here.

Final Merit List ( or Selection List) of Mahapariksha PWD Junior Engineer civil will be publish by Maha Pariksha with the coordination of concerned department. We will publish the final selection list as soon as it gets available

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To check your DMA Preliminary Exam Result (Shortlisted candidates for DMA Mains Exam) and Syllabus for Mains, click here.
To check your score of other exams click here
To check Forensic Exam Result, click here.
To check Revised Answer key for Forensic Examination 2018 conducted by Maha Pariksha Portal, click here.

The Mahapariksha cut off list for Public Works Department Examination-2018 Junior Engineer (Civil) may be uploaded soon on (Maha Pariksha Portal) by Maha Pariksha.

To know cut off marks of DMA, Forensic, Town Planning and other exams conducted by Mahapariksha Portal, click here.

Disclaimer : 
  1. We have sorted the score-list according to marks only. List is not sorted according to  other parameters like category, sports, or gender. 
  2. Though we have taken at most care while sorting, there may be some human and/or machine errors. Actual rank may differ from rank in these sorted list. We are not responsible for that. 
  3. To know your actual rank, please visit Mahapariksha Official Site

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